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Coping with the Overwhelming Feeling of Big Changes

June 17, 20242 min read

Coping with the Overwhelming Feeling of Big Changes

Big bold changes can be a thrilling and exciting time in your life. Nevertheless, it can also bring about overwhelming feelings of stress, fear, and anxiety, which are not uncommon. You might feel a sense of being paralyzed or frozen in place, unable to make progress or choose your course of action. However, these feelings are normal, and we all go through them. So, how do you cope with these feelings and get through such a difficult time?

The very first step you should take in coping with overwhelming feelings is to acknowledge them – don't dismiss or ignore them. Recognize that these feelings are typical and that you're not alone in experiencing them. This acknowledgment can serve as the foundation on which you can start developing effective coping mechanisms that work for you.

Once you've acknowledged your feelings, ask yourself what you need to feel better. Do you need to take a walk in nature, speak with a close friend, or engage in activities that will help you feel grounded? Would you benefit more from meditation or allowing yourself a good cry? Whatever it is, make sure you do what makes you feel better. Everyone is different and has diverse sets of coping mechanisms that work.

When coping with the overwhelming feeling of change, one of the most crucial things you can do is give yourself permission to feel what you're feeling without judgment. You're experiencing big changes that could affect your life significantly, and your feelings are undoubtedly valid. You're not weak or overreacting, and it's essential to remind yourself of that. Be kind to yourself and, most importantly, be patient.

Spend time engaging in activities that will help you stay grounded and calm. For example, if you find nature soothing, go for a walk or take a hike. You can also practice meditation or deep breathing exercises that can help quiet your mind and relax your body. Whatever you choose, make sure you integrate it into your routine, so it becomes a healthy habit.

Lastly, consider the fact that change can be gradual. Take your time and try not to get overwhelmed by everything that needs to be done. Break things down into smaller pieces or chunks to make progress more manageable. Celebrate the small victories – no matter how trivial they may seem – and be patient with yourself.

Big bold life changes are exciting, but they can also bring about overwhelming feelings of stress and anxiety. These feelings are normal, and you're not alone in experiencing them. The key to overcoming these feelings is acknowledging them, giving yourself permission to feel what you're feeling without judgment, and doing what you need to feel better. Spend time engaging in activities that will help you stay calm and grounded and remember that change can be a gradual process. So be kind to yourself, celebrate the small victories, and give yourself time to cope with the changes.

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