My mission is to inspire healers like you to fully embrace and celebrate your authenticity, so that you can make a difference in the world with your unique gifts!

I am Dr. Sundar, an Ex-Surgeon with over two decades of expertise as a board certified ENT alongside being the proprietor and principal injector of a Medspa.

I may have achieved success as a doctor, but deep down inside, I still felt that something was missing - something more authentic. You see, society had its expectations of me as an Indian-American woman with immigrant parents, who lived their lives by stricter cultural rules. But, I knew it was time to uncover my truth and embrace who I truly am.

I want to help you discover clarity in designing your life with authenticity and courage!

Like many of you, I faced numerous challenges, during my training including pregnancy and dealing with thyroid cancer in my first year of private practice. These personal and professional hurdles completely transformed my perspective on success. I also experienced significant life changes, such as divorce and a career shift. It was during this time that I discovered my true passion: empowering healers so that they can create mindful businesses that create a positive impact for people and for society.

My mission is to empower healers to embrace their true calling with a unique formula. I aim to assist you in elevating every facet of your life, fearlessly.

Explore "Unbound," my revolutionary philosophy about living truthfully, beyond societal constraints, inspired by my book "Beauty Unbound" and keynote speeches. Let's start this transformative journey together and achieve new heights of personal and professional excellence.

Consider me as a mentor committed to help you with your truth and transparency. My mentorship programs offer actionable insights from my experiences. I share successes, challenges, and failures, offering wisdom, support, and candid advice to help you realize your potential.

Together, we'll discover what it means to achieve true personal and professional success driven by authenticity and passion.

We have the power to create and recreate ourselves as often as we feel is necessary.

Life's pretty much like painting on a canvas, you know? We get to keep adding colors and strokes, reinventing ourselves along the way. Looking at my life, I can't help but smile. I absolutely love where I live and who I surround myself with. I love the work I do and how it contributes to society.

My relationships? They're solid and full of meaning. I never skip out on me-time or doing things that light me up. I have figured out how to make the most out of life while chasing what I'm passionate about. This balance isn't just a win for my own happiness; it's skyrocketed my professional life too. I am able to bring so much more to the table in my sessions now.

Finding that sweet spot between doing what I love and succeeding at work is tricky, but hey, I'm doing it. Every day feels like a step forward in both my personal growth and my career.

I feel empowered, and I’m eager to show others how they can have a successful business and personal life!

Did you know?

By 2025, there will be a shortage of 90,000 physicians.

Source: Clinical Burnout and the impact of Digital Behavioral Health Solutions

Did you know that within the next few years, we’ll be facing a shortage of 90,000 physicians? It’s a concerning issue that barely scratches the surface. Not only does burnout and decreased productivity cost the medical field a staggering $4.6 billion each year, but female physicians also have to overcome gender discrimination and family expectations.

Book a call today to see if we are a good fit!