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Reviving Passion to Conquer Burnout

July 01, 20242 min read

Reviving Passion to Conquer Burnout

Burnout is a common issue amongst working professionals, but it disproportionately affects women. According to a survey conducted by LinkedIn and the Marianjoy Rehabilitation Hospital, 87% of women surveyed reported feeling burnt out in their current jobs, compared to 77% of men. The factors leading to burnout are complex, but by prioritizing self-care and making intentional choices about our work and life, we can avoid or recover from burnout.

It is not just about working hard, it is about working hard doing something we are passionate about. Many of us fall into jobs because we feel like we have to or we are afraid of change, but that can lead to feeling unfulfilled and exhausted. One key question to ask ourselves is: what would we do until we were 80 if we could? It is important to pursue activities, jobs, and lifestyle choices that align with our values and passion in order to avoid burnout.

Women also face unique societal and cultural pressures that contribute to burnout. Women often have to balance work, family, and household responsibilities, while also dealing with gender and racial inequalities in the workplace. Additionally, women are more likely to experience imposter syndrome and perfectionism, which can lead to overworking and burnout. It is important to acknowledge and address these stressors in order to prioritize self-care and avoid burnout.

When our soul is ignited, we can work hard without being burned out. When we are passionate about what we do, we can find meaning and purpose in our work, and that can fuel us even during challenging times. However, it is also important to practice self-care to avoid burnout. That includes taking breaks, setting boundaries, sleeping well, and pursuing activities that bring us joy. By taking care of ourselves, we can better serve our clients, patients, and colleagues.

Self-love is also a key aspect of avoiding burnout. We often push ourselves to the limit in order to prove ourselves to others or to meet external expectations. But when we prioritize self-love and respect, we can better recognize our own needs and limitations. That means saying no to some opportunities, delegating tasks, and setting realistic goals. By treating ourselves with compassion and understanding, we can create a sustainable and fulfilling work and life balance.

Burnout is a real issue that affects many working professionals, particularly women. By prioritizing our passion, addressing cultural and societal stressors, practicing self-care, and incorporating self-love, we can avoid or recover from burnout. It is ultimately up to us to make intentional choices about our work and life in order to create a fulfilling and sustainable lifestyle.

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